
About the juridical qualification military administrative offenses

In the article are considered the the question of the legal qualification unlawful acts or omissions committed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and equalized to them entities. The author proposed the vision of the object-subject features qualification the military
administrative offenses.

Military service shevchenko: 201 th anniversary of the birth

In the article the period of military service TG Shevchenko and his relationship to the
existing “order” in the Royal Army that time. For his revolutionary activities and open
criticism of the existing feudal system, led by Emperor Nicholas I, the poet was sent to serve in
the ranks of the royal army

About the terms and their impact on understanding military administrative offenses

In the article are considered the terms that are part of the explanation of administrative legal relations that take place in the military sphere. The author proposed interpretation of terms “soldier”, “liable for military service”, “military officer”, “reservist” and others.