сушильний агент

Investigation of drying the porous wood of a cylindrical shape

In the presented study, the mathematical model for drying the porous timber beam of a circular cross-section under the action of a convective-heat nonstationary flow of the drying agent is constructed.  When solving the problem, a capillary-porous structure of the beam is described in terms of a quasi-homogeneous medium with effective coefficients, which are chosen so that the solution in a homogeneous medium coincides with the solution in the porous medium.  The influence of the porous structure is taken into account by introducing into the Stefan–Maxwell equation the effective binary inte

Теплообмін під час фільтраційного висушування подрібненої біомаси соняшника

Запропонованo фільтраційне висушування подрібнених стебел соняшника, як стадії технологічної лінії для виробництва твердого біопалива. Проаналізовано теоретичні аспекти процесів теплообміну під час фільтраційного висушування. Встановлено вплив збільшення швидкості теплового агенту від 0,68 до 2,05 м/с на інтенсивність теплообміну. Значення коефіцієнтів тепловіддачі розраховані на основі даних експерименту у тонкому шарі та залежності .

Heat Transfer Process During Filtration Drying of Grinded Sunflower Biomass

Filtration drying of grinded sunflower stems as the unit operation of the technological line for solid biofuel production has been proposed. Theoretical aspects of heat transfer processes during filtration drying have been analyzed. The effect of the drying agent velocity increase from 0.68 to 2.05 m/s on the heat transfer intensity has been established. The values of heat transfer coefficients have been calculated on the basis of the thin-layer experimental data and equation .

Construction of the solution of the thermal-convective drying problem for porous solids in drying plants

In this paper the approximate solutions of the one-dimensional linear mathematical model of porous bodies drying are obtained, which makes it possible to establish the temperature of the phase transition for arbitrary changes of temperature regimes of a drying agent, the changes of the relative moisture in the body during drying as a function of geometrical and physical parameters, the influence of the rate and relative moisture of a drying agent on the drying process in order to optimize this process.