
Protecting the freedom, independence and sovereignty in the political and legal concepts of Hegel

The problem of protecting freedom, independence and sovereignty in the philosophical, political and legal concepts of the great German philosopher GVF Hegel. German philosopher made a profound analysis of the role and place of the state in the development and functioning of society. He is one of the first drew attention to the need to protect the state of freedom, independence and sovereignty of aggression. In this respect, revealed the role and place of the people and the army to protect their country.

Legal a wareness and legal culture as a factor of civil society

The article analyzes the importance of legal awareness and legal culture in the development of civil society. We consider the concept and basic features of civil society characterized by justice and legal culture that influence the improvement of law on the
formation of a legal state and civil society.

Ratio methods and methodological approaches in the science of law

In the article is analyzed the essence of the correlation of the method and methodological approach in the study. The author investigates various arsenal of research tools and pay attention to the multiplicity of theoretical entities within the general theory of law and the need for a unified theoretical and methodological basis of research, the importance of fusion research areas in an integrated theoretical system.

Concept of law: philosophical outlook

The article is an attempt to research the logical analysis of the concept of law as the basis for a system of philosophical ideas about it. Following the analysis of a significant number of scientific papers concluded that the content of the law in some way dependent on the philosophical foundations of law. The problem of philosophical foundations of philosophy of law, methodological principles defined philosophical school of the designated topics.

Problem of methodological demarcation law

The article discusses current issues methodological problems of demarcation law describes the basic scientific approaches to determine the definition of law. An attempt to solve the traditional concept of discourse to the world, mainly western jurisprudence methodological problems. It is proved that from the standpoint of methodology knowledge of the entire analysis was erected on level epistemological procedures that do not derive to understand the content of the right, which, above all, viewed the problem of understanding and interpretation of the idea of law.

H. V. Leibnic – anoutstandind thinker of western-european science and cu hure (devoted to 300-years since death)

The article deals with some scientific, philosophical, socially-legal, religious concepts of brilliant German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz made a huge contribution to the organization and creation of scientific institutions in English, Italy, Germany, Russia and France. Due to his scientific and theoretical creativity he was ahead of his time, formulated the ideas that formed the basis of many modern sciences.

Justice in the philosophical and law thought of new time

In the article has been investigated the genesis of justice and law connections, that allowed to determine the starting point of convergence, and to trace the historical features of the course of such convergence, which reflected in the action area of these phenomena, their content characteristics. It has been determinated the directions of justice problematics output outside the scope of national law and dissemination in international relations.

Measuring of axiology of legal culture

The article discusses some axiological aspects of legal culture. Particular attention is focused on the concept of legal culture, legal culture ratio with the legal system, the legal reality and law. The main focus is on axiological interpretation of legal culture, the views of scientists, the advantages and disadvantages of valuable dimension of legal culture are examined.

Legal socialization at the present stage of development of legal science

The article deals with the problem of legal socialization. Indicate the role and importance of legal socialization in the current development of legal science. It is shown that the more socialized man, the more it reveals its ability to be the main productive force of society, the more it is able to understand the natural environment, law, state and society as a whole system.