An important priority of the economic policy of Ukraine is the careful use of energy. Therefore, a large-scale energy saving policy is being implemented in the country, and energy efficiency objectives are comprehensive and cover both the legislative framework and technical innovations. A large amount of energy is spent on creating an indoor microclimate in industrial rooms. One of the effective ways to reduce energy consumption for cheling needs is to carry out the thermal modernization of the air conditioning system. In this article, the economic indicators of thermal renewal measures during the reconstruction of the air conditioning system of the industrial rooms are given. During the reconstruction of air conditioning system, the following thermal modernization measures were taken for comparison: replacement of the operation of the air conditioning system from the stationary to the alternating, the installation of two-jets air distribution devices, the installation of Belimo automation, the use of laying jets. Opimal renewal measure is determined, taking ino account maximal profit as well energysaving.

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