The full market of Ukraine by various foaming agents of domestic and foreign production requires the study of their technical properties and properties of foam on their basis. The article presents the results of research on the multiplicity of foam formation and foam stability during a certain period of time. The comparative characteristic of such properties of foaming agents allows them to be used successfully in the production of foam concrete.

The production of foam concrete requires modern foam formers with sufficient value of the technical properties of the resulting foam – the multiplicity of foam formation, the foam stability in a certain period of time, the compatibility of the foam formulation with Portland cement, products of its hydration, hydrated lime, and the like. Inadequate foam properties can be offset by typing correcting applications.

Although the origin of modern foaming agents is not always environmentally friendly products, but their insignificant concentration in foam concrete creates a precedent for their indispensability in the production process.

Directions of combining of constructive and heat-engineering properties in one wall product and replacement of polymeric heat-insulating materials with traditional mineral materials have created for the foam concrete of natural hardening concrete the serious competitiveness on the market of building materials.

Investigated foaming agents practically do not differ in their multiplicity and stability when used in a 1 % solution. The best technological properties of foam are based on foam formers of Uniseel and Lori brands. The introduction of a complex additive can partially increase the multiplicity and stability of the above-mentioned foam solution. In addition, the tested complex additive affects the hardening of foam concrete as a cluster accelerator, which increases the reciprocity of metal shapes. This factor has a special practical significance for the process of serial production of foam concretes of natural hardening.

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