The topic of the work is related to the spectral and correlation properties of complex broadband signals,
which have traditionally been the subject of research, related to the development of telecommunications
technologies. Such studies are becoming relevant again due to the need to increase the data rate without
increasing signal strength. The analysis of modern methods of increasing the noise immunity of the
information transmission process is analyzed and the area of application of these methods in channels
where there are interferences with different statistical characteristics is analyzed. An overview of
algorithms for generating complex signal structures is made. A number of signals are analysed: fractal in
the spatial and probabilistic sense, essentially non-orthogonal signals generated using the mathematical
model of Weierstrass series. Based on the analysis of the correlation and spectral properties of the
signals, it is shown that non-orthogonal signals generated using a mathematical model of modified
Weierstrass series are potentially suitable for combating intersymbol and interchannel interference.
Possible schemes of application of broadband signals for the purpose of coding and decoding of the data
presented in digital form are considered.
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