Universal dependence for determining exergetic output-input ratio of air split-conditioner heat pump

Today, in air conditioning and heating systems for small rooms of industrial, public, and residential buildings, the use of heat pumps of air split-conditioners is becoming more common.  However, heat pumps of air split-conditioners are energy-intensive equipment, and, therefore, the need to increase their energy efficiency arises.  It is important to reduce energy consumption during the refrigeration machines operating in the mode of heat pump in air split-conditioners, which is possible using a modern method of thermodynamics — an exergetic one.  Exergetic analysis allows for establishing the maximum thermodynamic capabilities of the system, determining the losses of exergy in it, and substantiating recommendations for improving some of its elements.  The exergetic method of analysis of the operation of one-stage steam-compressor freon heat pumps of air split-conditioners developed by the authors is used in this article.  As a result, the universal dependence for determining the exergetic output-input ratio (OIR) for the air split-conditioner heat pump by "Mitsubishi Electric" with a heating capacity of 3200 W has been established, which makes it possible to select the parameters of its operation with the maximum exergetic OIR.  The described algorithm for obtaining such a universal dependence can be used for heat pump air split-conditioner of any firm and any heating capacity.

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