Crank presses belong to the class of machines in which the payload (stamping force) acts for a short period of time at the end of the working stroke. Since the power of a force is the product of the force times the speed, it is possible to reduce the power of a specific force only by reducing the speed of the point of action of the force. The kinematic characteristics of slider-crank mechanisms (SCMs), which are the main mechanism of crank presses, are qualitatively the same and cannot be changed. The speed of the slider, as a working body, is the most influenced by the rotation frequency and the crank's length. However, reducing the frequency of rotation leads to a decrease in the productivity of the press, and a decrease in the length of the crank is limited by the design possibilities and technological process of stamping.

The purpose of this work is to reduce the kinetic power of the main working mechanism of crank presses by redistributing the start-up and run-out phases of the working body and designing the corresponding structural diagram of the SCM.

Research methodology. A non-standard approach to reducing the kinetic power of crank presses is proposed. It is suggested to change the distribution of the run-up and run-out phases of the slider (punch) in order to reduce its speed in the range of the punching force to achieve this. To change the run-up and run-out time, a slider-crank mechanism with a programmable change in the length of the crank with a fixed cam is proposed.

As a result of this research, an asymmetric cosine law of the movement of the slide was analyzed and it was synthesized into a variable crank length that ensures the movement of the slider according to the determined law. As far as we aware this is the first research that has been carried out on crank presses with the aim of reducing the kinetic power without reducing the value of the stamping force and press productivity. For a given punching force and an asymmetric cosine law for the punch motion, the kinetic power of the press is reduced by 31.4%. This will reduce the mass and/or radius of the flywheel.

A list of planned further studies is: the influence of different functions for punch motion, functions for changing the punching force, and an investigation of the value and position of the force interval on the kinetic power of the press.

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