An effective approach in robustness optimization for solving the RFID network planning problem with uncertainty

RFID technology enables remote storage and retrieval of data on RFID tags, making it a versatile and efficient tool with widespread applications in various industries.  This paper presents a solution to the challenge of deploying RFID readers, which has been a persistent problem in the RFID technology practical and theoretical communities.  To address the deployment problem, the paper proposes a robust multi-objective approach that optimizes many requested objectives as: coverage, the number of deployed readers, and interference while taking into account uncontrollable parameters in the system.  The simulation results demonstrate the robustness of the approach in solving the deployment problem and optimizing the RFID system under varying and unpredictable conditions.  The proposed approach has the potential to contribute to the RFID technology industry and enable more efficient and effective RFID systems across different sectors.

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