One of the important tasks of modern construction is the search for new constructive solutions and the introduction of new construction technologies. Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) technology is a new material for Ukraine that has proven itself in Europe and America as effective and environmentally friendly with many advantages. Since CLT panels are not widely distributed, studied and do not contain references in the normative literature in Ukraine, the study of these structures is extremely relevant. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the CLT calculation methods of panels: using the RFEM 6 and LIRA-FEM software and analytical calculation. The research concerns three types of panels: three-layer, five-layer, and seven-layer under the action of a load of 1.5 and 5.0 kN/m2. The main parameter under consideration is the vertical deflection of the panels. The results of all calculations are collected in one table, where you can analyze the discrepancy between different methods of calculating the CLT structures.
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