In the process of coal burning, a large amount of smoke will be produced, and there is a large amount of NOX in the flue gas, only by removing these substances can the pollution degree of the flue gas be reduced. This paper analyzes the coal consumption and NOX emission in China in recent years, and summarizes the industrial emission sources of NOX. The principle, process flow, research status and development prospect of selective catalytic reduction (SCR), selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR), ozone oxidation and absorption in traditional flue gas denitrification technology and complex absorption and photocatalytic oxidation in new flue gas denitrification technology are discussed in detail. The denitration rate, advantages and disadvantages of the traditional flue gas denitration technology in the denitration market are summarized. The technological characteristics and economy of the above five flue gas denitration technologies were compared, and the development direction of flue gas denitration technology in China was pointed out.
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