Identifying the elastic moduli of composite plates by using high-order theories

Надіслано: Травень 19, 2015
Переглянуто: Серпень 12, 2015
Прийнято: Вересень 16, 2015
Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"

The study aims to predict elastic and damping properties of composite laminated plates from the measured mechanical characteristics. The elastic constants and damping properties of a laminated element are determined by using experimental data and the results of a multi level theoretical approach. Solution examples for particular problems are given. On the basis of static three-point bending tests, measured eigenfrequencies, and refined calculation schemes, the elastic properties of layered composite beams were identified. For determining Young’s and shear moduli, the method of genetic minimization of error function was used. It is shown that, by employing combined criteria, the transverse elastic moduli can be determined uniquely. It is shown that, by employing combined criteria, the transverse elastic moduli can be determined. The elastic modules were also determined from measured vibration eigen-frequencies of the beams. New combined criteria of identification – schemes averaged over the calculation results for a homogeneous beam and for a sandwich with a core identical to the homogeneous beam and rigid outer layers are considered. The error function is chosen as the sum of error functions for the homogeneous beam, and for the sandwich. In the present study, combined identification schemes making it possible to unequivocally determine the transverse modules and Poisson ratio are suggested.

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