Швидкість горіння твердого палива в топкових процесах опалювальних котлів


Сенчук М. П. / Senchuk M. P

Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури,
кафедра теплогазопостачання і вентиляції

In the article there were analyzed researches of combustion speed of solid fuel, here are considered common schemes of ball mechanical fire-boxes, is described mine-layered scheme for burning of solid fuel with different characteristics: calorific value, ash content, moisture, volatile matters, fractional part, that are known. Here are analytical equations to calculate the basic parameters of the combustion zone based on a mathematical model of burning solid fuel process in mine-layered fire-boxes with its translational and rotational movement on the grid-iron lattice. Was analyzed the dependence of structural parameters of the combustion zone on the grid-iron lattice from the main factors, that make an influence to the burning up process of fuel’s particles into the layer: speed of income air, size of particles, excess of the air including drying and gasification of natural fuel in the mine. According to the results of analytical researches were obtained graphic ratios of combustion zone constructive parameters from its main characteristics and operational parameters of the process in the mine-layered mechanical fire-boxes with plunger pusher of mechanized heating boilers with heating capacity from 0.25 to 1.25 MW.

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