Дослідження сухих будівельних сумішей для промислових підлог


Терлига В. С., Соболь Х. С., Новицький Ю. Л., Терлига С. Ю. */ Terlyha V. S., Sobol H. S., Novitskyy Yu. L., Terlyha S. Yu

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра автомобільних шляхів,
* Товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю “Ферозіт”

In this paper prescriptions of dry building mixes for industrial floors were developed. Main indicators for such material are enough spreadability of fresh mixture during certain period of time, needed for its enclosing, high early strength, minimal deformation of hardened material. Technology of industrial floors construction in buildings with high loading is showed. Investigation of quartz sand with different granulometry on physical and mechanical properties of dry building mix for industrial floors is conducted. Influence of chemical admixtures on rheological properties of fresh mixture and strength indicators of mortar is defined. Testing of developed dry building mixes according to norm DSTU B V.2.7-126:2011 was made. Phase composition and microstructure of mortar on the basis of dry building mix were investigated and presence of main cement hydrated phases in mortar was established.

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