The effect of zeolite addition at a temperature compaction of asphalt mixes


Woszuk A., Kukiełka J., Franus W.

The beginnings of warm mix asphalt are connected with the use of foamed asphalt in the ‘60s of the last century. Asphalt foaming occurs by contact with water or water steam that can be entered mechanically or under pressure. The foaming effect can be also obtained by the adding of zeolite to the asphalt mixture which causes the lower viscosity of the asphalt, better workability and adhesiveness of the mixture to the aggregate in lower temperatures. Presently, synthetic zeolites Aspha-Min and Advera are used for reducing the processing temperature. In this work, natural zeolite clinoptilolite (Sokirnica Mine, Ukraine) and synthetic zeolite Na-P1 were used as additives for the warm mix asphalt production. Investigation of the adsorbed water release in the function of time and temperature constituted the basis for estimating the amount of zeolite additive. It was assumed that the amount of released water with respect of asphalt should be 2,5%. The samples of asphalt with appropriate amount of zeolite were thickened in Marshall’s rammer in the temperatures of 140, 120 and 100 0C. The free spaces, modulus of elasticity in and water resistance were determined for each sample. Obtained results indicate that physico-mechanical properties of the samples with addition of zeolites were improved while the thickening temperature were reduced of 20 0C.

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