At the department of theoretical radioengineering and radiomeasurements of Lviv Polytechnic National university the theory and methods of modeling and a process optimization the quality assurance processes of the radio-electronic equipment (REE) at a manufacture stage have been developed. As part of this common problem tasks of modeling and optimization the production and technological processes as the main stages with the formation of given (desired) properties REE are also considered. The last task solution reduces to the parameter optimization of control procedures by optimizing the depth control, compliance of them guarantees the set quality level REE at the lowest total production and maintenance costs. For such tasks realization methods of modeling procedure, optimization techniques have been proposed. Appropriate software, which has been used for solving a number of practical problems has been developed. One of the mentioned approach deficiency is the fact that received optimal values of depth control can not always use in practice. In most cases, these values have been found as a result of a purely mathematical solution of optimization task and thus received optimal values of depth control is not always possible to implement in conditions of real production.
The aim of this work is the development of a universal method of optimization that uses the principles of Pareto optimization and is as close to the real production conditions, including taking into account the possible configurations of used technological and control equipment, requirements for quality and reliability of products in general.
Proposed method involves the use of optimization Pareto-regions for solving problems of optimization processes (TP) which can be considered as modification of Pareto. Idea of the method is as follows: for creation Pareto-region a detailed analysis of all possible variants of TP with the fixation sets of technologies and control equipment and calculation of depth control values for all these variants of TP has been performed. Based on this, the research protocol of TP’s selected values in the form of depth control parameter sets. Next, using the developed methods and software, the evaluation of integral index of products quality in the form of the probability of formation output defectiveness and total costs, that are further displayed on the corresponding Pareto-region as a point has been estimated. By asking permitted defectiveness levels and total costs you can select those options of TP implementation, which guarantee the specified quality level of REE at acceptable cost levels. The typical optimization problems which take place in a real production has been examined in details.