Features of exposure of groups of negative aspiration and their leaders are in criminally-executive establishments


L. Hula

A question is considered in relation to the origin of groups of negative aspiration that influence on prison criminality. The sources of the informative providing of subdivisions of criminally-executive establishments are outlined in the exposure of groups convict. Basic factors are described that specify on the group of negative aspiration of convict. Operativelyregime measures are certain in relation to the exposure of groups of negative aspiration of convict and their leaders. The search of groups of negative aspiration and their members in correctional colonies comes true during the study of reasons and terms that assist doing of crimes and other offences and subjects that can take advantage of these circumstances. However it should be noted that the exposure of persons apt to the commission of prison crime is mostly related to considerable difficulties. It is explained first of all by that the marked subjects aim less all to find out the criminogenic setting. Usually in a productive sphere and domestic situation they mask the
illegal actions from other for creation about them ideas as about legal convict. It is thus needed to take into account reality of illegal intentions of criminal leaders.

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