Article operatively-search activity is regarded as one of the most effective mechanisms for combating crime in Ukraine. In terms of the humanization of social life and legal practice, there is an urgent need to change the approach to the efficient organization of operational activities and to ensure its integrated scientific support. Democratization of this type of legal practice promotes opportunities to expand the content and scope of information that can be used to solve problems of operational activities. Operatively-search activity involves obtaining information, its storage, processing, analysis, synthesis and application of appropriate measures. However, as practice shows, the subjects of operational activities, mainly focused on finding relevant information. Instead of ordering, and the more analytical processing is not properly carried out. This situation
significantly reduces the efficiency of forces and means of operational activities. Introduction Criminological proper maintenance will help to improve the analytical link in the system of operational activities. Generalized that criminological support operational activities – a comprehensive criminological use tools to improve the objectives of operational activities. Criminological equipment can be effectively implemented in the plane of information and analytical support to identify, detection and prevention of crime. Proposed to the list of criminological measures that contribute to the improvement of operational activities, attribute, criminological characteristics of crimes; criminological portrait offender; victimological characteristics when gathering information about the offender carried out in the direction of the victim; criminological forecasting, based on which it is advisable to decide on the possibility of setting a person on account of operational and preventive others. Proved the most complex and productive criminological tools can be used to solve problems of operational prevention.
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