Defined and disclose the place and role of the police, which is engaging in a variety of legal relations with citizens, endowed with a whole set of tasks and functions (activities) in securing and protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.
1. Declaration on the Police: Resolution of the PACE number 690 of May 8, 1979: Available at: http://zakon0. rada. gov. ua/laws/show/994_803. 2. Kіl’kіst’ zvernen’ do polіcії і mіlіcії Kiєva zrosla na ponad 62 vіdsotki [Number of calls to the police and the police Kyiv grew by over 62 percent]: Available at: http://www. npu. gov. ua/uk/publish/article/1586027. 3. The Constitution of Ukraine on June 28, 1996 № 254k / 96-VR. Supreme Council of Ukraine, 1996, Vol. 30, Art. 141. 4. The National Police Law of Ukraine on July 2, 2015 №580-VIII. Supreme Council of Ukraine, 2015, Vol. 40-41, Art. 379.