Department of Architectural Environment Design Lviv Polytechic National University
Department of architectural environment design Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv
2th year student of the Department of architectural environment design Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

Стаття висвітлює ідеї формування архітектури специфічних павільйонів, на всесвітніх виставках, які демонструють твори театрального мистецтва на прикладі тих, що презентували театральне мистецтво на одному з найвідоміших форумів світу – “Празькому Квадрієнале” в 1967–2019 роках (PQ), і зокрема, перших українських.

Gnedovsky S., Bokov A., 1983, Theater and architecture. Stroyizdat: Projects, ideas. 70 P.
Klymko Z. V. 2018, Architecture of scenography by E. Lysyk: dissertation abstract. PhD 18p.
Klymko Z. 2015, "Theater" of scenographic solutions by E. Lysyk at the Prague Quadrennial 2015: construction of space, effective organization and their design. Architectural Bulletin of KNUCA. P. 57-67.
Klymko Z., 2019, The influence of scenographic ideas of Yevhen Lysyk on the work of architects of Ukraine. Bulletin of LPNU, p. 30-36.
Sodja Lotker, 2015, Shared Space: Music, Weather, Politics. L. Cepcova, S. Lotker, D. Parizkova, O. Svoboda. Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space. Arts and theatre institute. P. 392.
Program brochure PQ imagination, transformation, memory. 2019, Exhibitions of countries, regions, fragments. Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space. Arts and theatre institute. P. 26, 58.
Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space, 2020. Yevhen Lysyk, Creation of the World. Fragments 2019. Arts and theatre institute. P. 102-106.
Proskuryakov V., Klimko Z., Zinchenko O. 2016, Creativity of E. Lysyk in time, space, scenography and architecture. Monograph. Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House. P 134.
Proskuryakov V., 2019, The idea of ​​creating the architecture of the first Ukrainian national theater pavilion at the exhibition Prague Quadrennial 2019. Bulletin of LPNU, P. 10-17.
Proskuryakov O., Loposha M., Cholavyn Y., 2019, Creation of architecture of the first Ukrainian national theater pavilion for the exhibition PQ 2019 by method of modelling. Bulletin of LPNU, P. 58-67.