Інструкція для авторів

Requirements for articles submitted to Journal of
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The text of the articles should be submitted on CD or on USB disc.

The main text font = 11, 1.1 spacing, typeface Times New Roman.

Sheets of A4 format (210×297 mm). Indenting: left — 2,5 cm, right — 2,3 cm, top — 2.5 cm, bottom — 3.5 cm. Mirror margins. Headers and Footers: top 1.6 cm, bottom — 3.2 cm. Page numbers are not tabulated.

In the first line on the right the УДК and JEL-codes should be indicated (in bold font). The next line — the author’s name (in bold font), right-aligned. Next line — place of work of the authors (right-aligned). Next line — article title (font size = 14, bold font), middle-aligned. Next line — the names and initials of the authors (italic, left-aligned, beginning with the sign ) and a year of writing. After one skipped line — abstract in Ukrainian (50-60 words, indentation 1cm). After the abstract — keywords. After one skipped line — title, authors’ names, abstract and keywords in English. After skipped line — the main text of the article in English. (see Example of a publication).

Titles of tables shold be middle-aligned (size 11, bold font), numbering of tables should be right-aligned (italic font). Font size for typing in tables is 10. 

Numbers of formulas are placed in round brackets to the right of the text.

The figures should be performed with Microsoft Office applications or inserted in the publication in raster formats TIFF, PCX, BMP with a resolution of 300 dpi. Inscriptions under drawings should be executed in typefaces Times New Roman 10, skittle. Figures made in Microsoft

Word should be grouped as one object.

List of references (a must) should be given at the end of the publication in italics (words «List of references» are not intended). It is mandatory to reference sources in the text of the article.

Size of publication — 6-10 pages.


1. The electronic file of the article. 
2. One printed copy of the article (printing contrast). There must be the signature of the author(s) on the first page of the article.
3. Two reviews — internal and external (both with certified signatures). Reviews should highlight: description of object of research, relevance of the work, scientific novelty, importance of the results of research, shortcomings in the work and offer recommendation for publication in the Journal. The volume of review — not less than one full page.

For external authors, except listed above, should be also submitted: 

4.a) Expert Report on publishing in open print; 
If there is no possibility to obtain expert report 
4.b) Letter of request from the management of organization where the author studies addressed to vice-rector for Research of Lviv Polytechnic National University Pikh Z.G. asking for scientific and technical expertise of the article and its publication.
5. Information on the author.