the Constitution of Ukraine

Конституція України як джерело адміністративного права

Досліджено Конституцію України у системі джерел адміністративного права. Запропоновано об’єднати у чотири блоки приписи, у яких об’єктивуються адміністративно-правові норми. Проаналізовано особливості застосування положень Конституції судами під час розгляду та вирішення судових справ.


Constituent power and constitutional reform in Ukraine

There are analyzed the theoretical foundations of the issue of constituent power and the possibility of its practical implementation in terms of constitutional reform in Ukraine, including the possible adoption of a new Constitution of Ukraine. According to the author, adoption of a new Fundamental Law of Ukraine by popular election of the Constitutional Assembly could contribute to the growth in the society the authority of the Constitution, establishment of political stability in the country and restore public confidence in the government.

Perspectives of applying legal norms of the constitutional court of Ukraine in the development of language legislation

The perspective of applying legal norms for the reformation of language legislation specified in the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine is considered. With this purpose the analysis of the decisions in cases concerning the status of the national language, the procedure of the use of the national language and the languages of minorities is made.