criminalistics description

Criminalistics description of persons assassinating with the use of explosive devices

In the article analysed scientific developments of criminalistics concept of personality of
criminal. Criminalistics description of persons assassinating with the use of explosive devices is
given. The basic signs of terrorist groups of accomplishing are certain assassinations. Persons
are classified, assassinating depending on their social, professional state.

Theoretical principles of criminalistics description of the no-purpose use of budgetary facilities by public servants

Essence of criminalistics description of the no-purpose use of budgetary facilities is
considered public servants. The basic elements of criminalistics description are outlined on her
development. Modern determination of criminalistics description of the no-purpose use of
budgetary facilities is taken into account by public servants. The separate methods of feasance
are described by the public servants of the no-purpose use of budgetary facilities.
Compositions of crimes are given that is related to the no-purpose use of budgetary facilities.

Криміналістична характеристика злочинів, що їх вчиняють під час публічних закупівель у сфері охорони здоров’я

Розглянуто поняття та зміст криміналістичної характеристики злочинів під час публічних закупівель у сфері охорони здоров’я. Окреслено окремі способи вчинення злочинів під час закупівлі лікувальних засобів представниками охорони здоров’я. Визначено окремі протиправні дії посадових осіб під час публічних закупівель лікувальних засобів, медичних товарів та виконання робіт і послуг у сфері охорони здоров’я.

Criminalistics description of crimes that is accomplished in the field of the having a special purpose specialized state funds

In the article a question is considered criminalistics description of crimes that is accomplished in the field of the having a special purpose specialized state funds. Basic crimes are certain that is accomplished in the marked sphere. The features of feasance of offences are outlined in the field of the having a special purpose specialized state funds. The separate methods of feasance of offences are considered in the field of the having a special purpose specialized state funds.