
Collection of theses will be registered as an electronic publication, with the assignment of ISBN and other necessary data.

Paper should be prepared according to the Conference Topics as MS Word document, do not exceed 4 pages (pictures including), an is to be sent via email to

The file should be named after to the name of the first author (for example Korneychuk.doc)

Deadline for submission of the Papers –10 of September 2020

Conference Languages are: Ukrainian, English, Russian


Requirements to preparation of the papers

Format parameters of the papers:

  • Times New Roman font, size 12, style - regular (normal);
  • margins: above and below  – 2.5 cm, left and right –3cm;
  • interlinear interval single;
    • above in the centre: а) title of the paper (in top register, bold type),  b) in the interval below - initials and surnames of authors (bold italic), c) in the interval below organization name and town (italic);
  • below, in the interval, the text is printed;
  • reference to literature sources, patents etc. have to be in the text in the square brackets. Just after the text, in the interval, there is a references (by italic) list by Elsevier standard;
  • the figures are to be prepared in Corel Draw;
  • materials, given not in standard requirements, will not be included into the Conference Proceedings.