Populism as a question of public administration: historical aspect

Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

The article analyzes the main factors influencing populism on public administration in the historical aspect. It has been proved, as experience shows, that populism has always occupied a special place in the implementation of programs of political leaders and parties and their interrelation with public administration. Populism remains an actual phenomenon of socio-political life in many countries of the world. By exercising significant influence on the politics of countries with comparatively small experience in the functioning of democratic institutions, populism, quite clearly manifests itself in the modern political space of the “old” democracies. There is an obvious connection between the rise of populism and the exacerbation of socio-economic problems. An important factor contributing to the emergence and growth of populist influence is the inability of a political establishment, including a fully democratic one, to respond effectively to new challenges and challenges.

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