Establishing the concept of the public as a requirement of the post-war social order of Ukraine

: pp. 1 - 10
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, the Department of Public Policy and Governance

The term public is an established term used in the scientific and political- administrative terminology of Western societies. It denotes a certain basic concept of social relations on which these societies are built. Such terms as public sphere, public service, public enterprises, public administration, public policy have become widely used. At the same time, in Ukraine, despite the changes that took place after 2014, until now, the dominant concept of the political and administrative sphere remains the state. The article argues for the need to establish the public as a basic concept for the development of the political and administrative system of Ukraine and the necessary conditions for its European integration.

The implementation of the concept of the public is not about denying the state as such (it is and will probably remain a central political institution for a long time), it is about overcoming the totalitarian past, it is about returning to tradition and integration into the European civilizational space. It is also about setting accents and priorities, about the nature of relations between citizens and public authorities.

The implementation of the concept of the public in the theory and practice of managerial activity should be continued. The experience of the development of Ukrainian society in recent years, and especially during the Russian aggression, shows that Ukrainians have no piety before the state, that they achieve the greatest success when they fight for their res publica together, regardless of status and position. This experience should become the basis for the establishment of real public governance in Ukraine.

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