The seismic sections modeling accounting the stressed state of the medium

: 81-86
Received: January 03, 2010
Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Department of Exploration Geophysics UGiG GNK RAZ

The paper presents the techniques for processing of seismic prospecting data – for inversion of time seismic sections to depth ones. This makes it possible to extrapolate defined by wells’ geophysical investigations one-dimensional models of medium’s physical properties into the borehole environment. Correcting of the model taking into account the thermodynamic state of the medium and calculation of various physical properties of medium within the classical and non-classical theories of deformation as well as calculation of synthetic seismograms is provided. Thus, the differences between the classical and non-classical theories for values μ and λ are correspondingly 4.7 % and -1.4 %, which is substantial.

2D model of the medium is composed by extrapolating of one-dimensional model accounting the location of acoustic borders. At passing to close to the real (3D) model the changes of values of formation velocities of longitudinal and transverse waves and densities of thin layers in depth and profile takes into account as well as the changes of geostatic pressure on layers along the profile. At thus the substantial refinement of time which define the depth of the seismic horizons is reached. Time difference reaches 0.17 s, which is equivalent to the difference in depths up to 330 m or more and it is important for specifying of structural models, especially concerning the hydrocarbon traps prospecting.

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