Recent research of geophysical parameters of the lithosphere of East-European platform

: pp. 112 - 114
Received: June 27, 2013
Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Subbotin Institute of geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Purpose. The purpose is review and analysis of the modern publications of the experimental measurements data of geophysical parameters investigations of East European Platform lithosphere and its surroundings. Methodology. The methodology includes a detailed complex analysis of the deep structure and seismotectonic activity in the stable regions. Results. Analysis of anomalies of electric conductivity in tectonically stable regions showed that within the ancient platforms that were previously attributed to aseismic, rarely, the catastrophic earthquakes with high intensity occur. To accept the assumption that the places of earthquakes epicentres concentration often line up along the areas of axial parts of regional anomalies of conductivity we believe that in this case they can have general nature of origin. Such earthquakes, mainly, correlate with the areas of active deep tectonic faults, suture zones, boundary deflections and sections of platforms adjacent to them. The analysis of the published results also showed the impossibility of explanation of seismic processes only from positions of integrity (monolithic nature) of all lager sizes tectonic structures. In the modern pictures of sectional environment of Earth one of the principal reasons which determine seismic processes are related to the interblock spaces. One of the problem is the representing of the velocity spaces of mantle as seismic and aseismic regions such as East European Platform and its surroundings. Originality. To accept the assumption that the places of earthquakes epicentres concentration often line up along the areas of axial parts of regional anomalies of conductivity we believe that in this case they can have general nature of origin. Such earthquakes, mainly, correlate with the areas of active deep tectonic faults, suture zones, boundary deflections and sections of platforms adjacent to them. Practical significance. The researches results make it possible to estimate more reliably the level and peculiarities of seismic hazard for the East European Platform and its surroundings.

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