Display of the tectonic structure of the western region of Ukraine in the gravimagnetic fields

Received: August 02, 2017
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine

Purpose. The aim of this work is to trace large structural-tectonic elements within the Western region of Ukraine according to the characteristic signs of their manifestation in the anomalies of gravity and magnetic fields and the construction of regional tectonics schemes based on gravity and magnetometric materials. Methodology. The research method is based on a qualitative interpretation of the observed gravitational and magnetic fields. A qualitative interpretation consists in revealing morphological features of the manifestation of deep faults and other large structural-tectonic elements in anomalous gravitational and magnetic fields. The task also traced these elements on the basis of a comparing the morphology, intensity, size, and stretch direction of local anomalies to published maps of the tectonic structure of the region. Local anomalies were identified using averaging transformations. Results. The transformations of averaging of gravimetric and magnetometric materials have been performed, and maps of local anomalies of the field of gravity and magnetic field were constructed. As a result of the analysis of the morphology of the observed gravimagnetic fields and maps of local anomalies, characteristic signs of the manifestation of large tectonic zones, the regional behavior of the foundation surface, deep faults and paleovalleys have been revealed. Extended zones of the change in the character of the potential fields have been detected, and survey schemes of fault tectonics of the Western region of Ukraine have been constructed. Originality. Tectonics schemes constructed using gravimagnetic fields are informative and supplement existing views on the deep structure of the region. In particular, the block structure of Folded Carpathians in the direction of the strike of longitudinal faults has been revealed. A number of deep faults and paleovalleys have been traced in local gravimagnetic fields. Also morphological signs of the zone of articulation of the East European and Western European platforms (Teisseyre-Tornquist zone) have been revealed. These signs are the zones of change in the character of the potential fields: the transition bands from mosaic anomalies to linear-extended anomalies. Practical significance. Tectonic zoning of territories, tracing faults, and the structure of the foundation surface by anomalous geophysical fields help identify and delineate oil and gas prospects. The faults and zones of their intersection are the conduits for migration of fluids, and they form the patterns for locating mineral deposits and the complex surface of the basement within the Western region of Ukraine. Together they create favorable conditions for the formation of oil and gas traps in the sedimentary cover.

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