Reconstruction of cenozoic stress and deformations in the eastern east European platform with its regional and practical application
Received: October 12, 2017
Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian State Geological Prospecting University

The aim of this research is to elucidate dynamics and kinematics formation in recent structures in the eastern East European platform, and an analysis of usage of these data for regional, fundamental and applied task decisions. Used method is based on a computerized structural kinematic analysis of mass measurements of mesotectonic kinematic indicators such as slickensides and veins. A main result is a cartographic reconstruction of the recent stress field for the southeastern Russian Plate and the adjacent Urals. Its comparison to other data on the dynamics of recent dislocations at the platform leads to the following conclusions: (1) spatial variations of the stress field reflect the pressure onto the platform directed from the Caucasus–Kopet Dagh collisional orogen and the intraplate linear rise of the recent Urals, related to the Central Asian collision zone; (2) when passing through the heterogeneous crust of the platform, the collision stresses were distorted: in the vertical section, compression (especially in strike-slip stress regime) decreased upward and even gave way to extension above uplifting hanging walls of thrust faults and crests of swells, and in plain view the compression (including in the strike-slip regime) increased at aulacogenes; (3) the collected data show (a more than expected) participation of the strike-slip regime in deep-seated structure formation; and wide domains of horizontal extension have been found, especially at anteclise-syneclise borders; (4) with regard to methodic, parallel reconstructions based on data variable in scale and type (results of macro-, meso- or morphostructural observations) results do not contradict but rather supplement one another. Taken together, they represent complete a pattern of the recent stress state. Originality of the results is mostly determined by the stress reconstruction made up of the above methods which are first represented in the studied area. It is equally important for other extensive platform areas which, in contrast to orogens, have been insufficiently investigated in a such manner. The practical significance. Our results can be used for applied purposes to introduce clarity into kinematics of the known faults, especially for revealing strike-slip offsets and to refine characteristics of dynamic formation regimes for deep-seated structures. A very important direction for practical usage is how the intraplate earthquakes relate to faults and flexures of certain kinematics and for a conservative estimate of geoecological hazards related to current tectonic movements.

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