
Philosophical and legal determinants forming legal argentation at the New time (XVII–XIX centuries)

The  influence  of  philosophical-legal  ideas  of  the  period  of  the  New  Age,  the  main 
tendencies  of  the  development  of  logic  and  rhetoric  on  the  formation  of  the  theory  of  legal 
argument  is  revealed.  It  is  emphasized  the  decisive  influence  of  rationalism  as  a  new  scientific 
paradigm  on  the  formation  of  new  approaches  in  argumentation.  The  analysis  of  the 
correlation  between  logic  and  rhetoric  in  philosophical  knowledge  and  its  influence  on  the 

Investigation of Magnetically Controlled Electric Arc

In this work, the results of pad welding with the circularly rotating arc existing in an inert gas between a circle cathode with the diameter suitable to dimensions and geometry of a welded surface, with the kinematic characteristics of the motion provided (with the rest equal conditions) by the external magnetic field, are considered.