конфлікт на Сході України

Overcoming euphemization in “war language” of ukrainian media and political discourses

Ukrainian media discourse and political rhetoric have been in crisis since 2014, the time of Russian aggression in the east of Ukraine, particularly in terms of nominating both the armed conflict itself, the other party and the root of it.

Тhe legal and historical causes of the conflict in the former Yugoslavia and in the east of Ukraine and their comparison

The article examines the historical and legal reasons for the conflict in the former
Yugoslavia in comparison with the conflict in eastern Ukraine. It is proved that in some cases
the some causes of conflict coincide but the primarily cause is that the leading nation try to prevent the release of a smaller nation with its sphere of influence. However, there are many
other reasons that can be attributed to the historical and legal causes that contributed to the
start of both conflicts. It was determined that both conflicts include both political and other

Ukrainian eurocentrism: the first attempts of political realisation of the idea (1917–1921)

The problem of implementation into national legal practice the state-revolutionary era
of “Western” values of democracy, separation of powers, rule of law and human rights is
researched. The direction of this political development is noted to have been natural for the
Ukrainian people, in comparison with others. The Ukrainian Eurocentrism is concluded to
have been essentially ukrayinotsentryzm a hundred years ago and today

SWOT-analysis of Ukraine's energy security

The article considers the problem of reforming of the Ukrainian energy sector, which is caused by global trends in the energy sector and by changes in Ukrainian political, economic and security priorities in the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Taking into consideration efforts of the international community in combating climate change, the research analyses Ukraine’s international obligations in the context of signing the Paris Agreement 2015 on greenhouse gases emissions mitigation.