learning process

Legal education reform: foreign experience and ukrainian realities

The article analyzes the foreign experience reforming legal education and defined the prospects of its implementation in Ukraine. It has been found that the use of international experience in the learning process becomes particularly relevant with the development of postmodernism, when the company moves to a new historical synthesis forms with the state. After reviewing certain aspects of legal education of international experience proved that it will contribute to more active implementation in the domestic legal practice these developments.

Science and practice as a factor success training specialists accounting and analytical targeting

Overview scientific component values and its dynamic growth in the formation of the 
modern educational process in the preparation of accounting and analytical experts.Argued 
the growth needs of the scientific component of the prevailing professional competence in this 
area of knowledge. 
Grounded author vision in relation to strengthening of scientific and practical 
constituent of teaching process registration-analytical disciplines at higher school. The possible 

Концептуальні засади та архітектура бази даних «Навчальні плани»

Запропоновано концептуальні засади та проаналізовано особливості архітектури бази даних «Навчальні плани», призначеної для автоматизації планування та управління навчальним процесом у великому багатопрофільному університеті.

This article presents conceptual framework and features of architecture of the database «Curriculum», which is designed to automate planning and management of educational process in large university with many profile.