public associations

Interaction between civil society institutions and government bodies

The importance of effective interaction of public society institutions with state authorities is analyzed, because civil society institutions ensure the provision of high-quality and cost-effective social services, the organization of private individuals and legal entities under private law to independently satisfy their interests without additional financial or administrative costs from the state; spread of charity and provision of targeted and operational charitable assistance; participation in decision-making and thus ensuring greater effectiveness of decisions taking into account the in

Local executive authorities and public associations of Ukraine: general state, problems and prospects of interrelationships

The development of interrelationships of local executive authorities with public associations is analyzed, the content of the existing problems in the process of interrelationships of these institutions, as well as prospects for their solving are defined.

The legal status of public organizations of Ukraine: the european integration standardization process

The article describes the characteristics of NGOs, analyzes the compliance of existing national legislation on NGOs with the Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to Member States on the legal status of non-governmental organizations in Europe 2007 No. CM/Rec (2007) 14, Fundamental principles for the status of nongovernmental organizations in 2002 and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 1950.