Interaction between civil society institutions and government bodies

: 104-111

Olena Romtsiv, Yuliia Rudnytska. Interaction between civil society institutions and government bodies.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Educational and Scientific Institute of Law and of Psychology, National University "Lviv Polytechnic"

The importance of effective interaction of public society institutions with state authorities is analyzed, because civil society institutions ensure the provision of high-quality and cost-effective social services, the organization of private individuals and legal entities under private law to independently satisfy their interests without additional financial or administrative costs from the state; spread of charity and provision of targeted and operational charitable assistance; participation in decision-making and thus ensuring greater effectiveness of decisions taking into account the interests of various social groups.

It has been established that today this interaction is actively taking place in several legal forms, namely: the participation of civil society institutions in the rule-making activity of the state; participation of civil society institutions in law enforcement activities of the state; participation of civil society institutions in law enforcement activities of the state.

The political and legal aspect of the right of citizens to association is defined, which is determined by the specificity of the subject of constitutional and legal regulation. It has been investigated that the activity of a public association or charitable organization in Ukraine before and after the start of a full-scale war is generally quite highly evaluated by representatives of the public sector.

The role of the mass media, acting simultaneously as a channel for expressing the opinion of civil society, as a means of its formation, and as a tool for public control over power, is characterized. It was found that the essence and specificity of mass media is revealed through their functions. Determining the functions of the media means revealing the role played by the media as an element of the social system.

The war caused the appearance in the media space of situations and legal dilemmas that were not relevant until now. In particular, not all information can be freely requested and used. After all, there is also information with limited access - secret, confidential, official. During martial law, it is especially important to follow the "letter of the law" and not to publish data that could directly or indirectly harm the security of the state and its citizens.


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