словотвірна модель

Suffixation as a productive way for creation of terms of museum

In the article, the word-formative organization of Ukrainian term system of Museum Studies, specifically those formed by means of a suffix is explored. Major tendencies of term-formation suffix means are identified, and the most productive models of suffixation of term system of Museum.

Polysemy in Ukrainian geodetik terminology

Aim. To analyze polysemy processes in Ukrainian geodetic terminology (UGT). Methodology. Existence of few interconnected meanings in the word, which appear as a result of the development of its first meaning, indicates about polysemy feature. Term, as simple word could be unequivocal and valued, but terminological ambiguity has its own features. By ambiguity we understand existence of several meanings of the word, which appeared as a result of the development of its first meaning, indicates about polysemy feature.