Polysemy in Ukrainian geodetik terminology

: pp. 41-47
Received: November 05, 2015
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Aim. To analyze polysemy processes in Ukrainian geodetic terminology (UGT). Methodology. Existence of few interconnected meanings in the word, which appear as a result of the development of its first meaning, indicates about polysemy feature. Term, as simple word could be unequivocal and valued, but terminological ambiguity has its own features. By ambiguity we understand existence of several meanings of the word, which appeared as a result of the development of its first meaning, indicates about polysemy feature. But lexical meaning of the term and lexical meaning of the totally used word – are diverse phenomena. Clear logical-semantic edges of the term cannot provide to polysemy appearance in it. But, as formula “one term – one meaning” is not always clearly executed, analysis of terminological systems can’t allow us to distinguish terms from polysemy. In one or another way it is connected with terminology at all and geodetic particularly. If in totally used lexicon polysemy affect to creation of new meanings, which separated as homonym, than terminology is using polysemy for expansion of meaning, which exists, or creation of new terminology meaning in the word, securing it for terminological sign. Results. In modern UGT nomination often appear new the combination of common words, which as elements create it’s on the ground of ambiguity components of lexical elements, so-called terms-elements; polysemy often appears as a result as a result of synecdoche – the transfer value by contiguity; it was discovered the phenomena of terminological concept splitting, when we are talking about generally-scientific and generally-technical terms. Originality. Terminological systems of different areas of science become the objects of detail linguistic research. But Ukrainian geodetic terminology and polysemy in it where not thoroughly studied. Practical significance. Proposed analysis of UGT will help to find out main terminological polysemy trends in modern scientific and technical terminology in general.

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