Development of personality in the social communities: total individually

: 202 - 207

I. Smirnovа «Development of personality in the social communities: total individually»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article highlights traced and scientific development of the individual in the social communities to determine the total individual. Found out the problem of identity as individuals in the context of the category comparison "individuality" and "personality." Proved that the development of the individual, the disclosure of her identity - the development of general public, individually and through him increase wealth and diversity of the spiritual world, the development initiative and creativity. Personality realizes itself only next to another person in the social activities.
Formation of the person historically determined system of social relations, culture of a certain age, she gradually takes possession during public life. In real life social and natural unique interact in person with the first days of her life. As proved by scientific analysis and practical life, individuality is not given to man by nature, and given it the same way of life - social.
The formation of identity and specifics of individual properties affect the nature of social community, of which it is. The most urgent, given the impact on the individual social communities is their differentiation from the standpoint of their density Relations indyvidom. By this criterion can distinguish three groups of communities in the article thoroughly analyzed.

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