Problem right knowledge: epistemological limits and possibilities

: pp. 83 - 87

L. Vatamanyuk, T. Harasymiv «Problem right knowledge: epistemological limits and possibilities»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article analyzes the fundamental methodological problem of law in the context of the epistemological limits and possibilities of knowledge of law, the right of communication of professional culture lawyer, legal philosophical understanding of reality, truth and unity of values in law, philosophy, crime, social justice as a fundamental principle of law, human law historiographical problems of philosophy of law, the phenomenon of European law.
It was found that any understanding of the law must be based on a detailed concept of human personality accurately. And it is – personology, the content of which is mandatory as basic elements should include, first, the analysis of rights as axiological inherently social noumenon, secondly, system building moral foundations of law the concept of duty, justice, social and osobystisnyh ideals i, thirdly, the concept of personality as a true homo juridicus.

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