Mechanism of criminal legal protection in Ukraine in connection with the latest totalitarian religious movements or sects

: pp. 507-512

S. Yakymova «Mechanism of criminal legal protection in ukrainein connection with the latest totalitarianreligious movements or sects»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article is devoted to the study of the modern state of criminal law protection mechanism of the totalitarian religious movements or sects in Ukraine. The attention is focused on the system of special criminal law norms indicating what kind of action participants totalitarian religious movements or sects are criminal and what punishments should apply. According to the results of a systematic analysis of criminal law generally, in Ukraine provides for criminal liability for organization or leadership of the totalitarian religious movements or sects of the corresponding direction, and separate directions of their activities (acts of violence against members of other religions and beliefs, obstruction of religious cult, destruction of the rights and freedoms of other religions and faiths, spreading totalitarian creeds, etc.). Clarified that not all modern socially dangerous forms of criminal activities of totalitarian religious movements or sects is adequately reflected in the provisions of the Special part of criminal code of Ukraine. Provides specific suggestions for improving dispositions appropriate criminal law Special part of the criminal code of Ukraine. Substantiated exceptional preventive meaning of Article 181 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, whose action aimed at stopping crime of modern totalitarian movements and sects in the early stages of their development.


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