Features of the legal argumentation in the communicative practice of lawyers: some aspects

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O. Chornobaі «Features of the legal argumentation in thecommunicative practice of lawyers: some aspects»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

Based on universally recognized theoretical ideas about the nature of legal reasoning and its importance in practical legal activities presented in the domestic scientific literature revealed a number of features argumentation process associated with legal communicative practice. It is noted that the effectiveness of the legal argument largely depends on how fully and deeply comprehended informative entity philosophical nature of legal reasoning, mastered the basic underlying concepts, tools, techniques, rules it, and based on this knowledge to realize that pragmatism legal argument addicts from such different ancient status forming factors of ob’yektsiyi (prediction) as persuasion, justification, motivation etc. that make possible to avoid communicative difficulties in reasoning.

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