The role of K. Sheptitsky in respect of the church and religious problems of East Galichina in the period of confessional-religious transformations (1944–1946)

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V. Chornopyska «The role of k. sheptitsky in respect of the churchand religious problems of East Galichina in the periodof confessional-religious transformations (1944–1946)»

Lviv Polytechnic National University,Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education

The article analyzes the role of K. Sheptytsky in solving the religious and church problems of Eastern Galicia during the period of confessional-religious transformations 
(1944–1946). It has been proved that a significant place in the studied period was played by the orientation of Archimandrite Clementy on the consolidation of the clergy and the realization of the national aspirations of Ukrainian people, which became crucial in preserving the church and religious complex of the UGCC during its destruction in the second half of the 40 years of the twentieth century. The analysis of documents clearly indicated that K. Sheptytsky was a great opponent of the criminal act of “reunification” and demonstrated his commitment to the national idea and the church that was subordinate to the Apostolic First Baptist, which gave the Ukrainian nation guarantees of democratic freedoms and European values.

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