Feautures of inspection of the place of the event in the process of pre-judicial investigation of certain criminal offenses against personal life

Volodymyr Ortynskyy, Denys Bartusiak. Feautures of inspection of the place of the event in the process of pre-judicial investigation of certain criminal offenses against personal life. https://science.lpnu.ua/law/all-volumes-and-issues/volume-10-number-3-39...

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article examines the problematic issues of the criminal process and criminology regarding the organization and inspection of the scene during the investigation of certain types of criminal offenses against a person's life, in particular, serial murders. The legal literature supports the scientific position that the inspection of the scene of the incident is an urgent investigative (search) action that can be carried out until the moment of entering information into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations of Criminal Proceedings for the purpose of quick and timely identification and procedural fixation of information regarding the circumstances of the commission of a criminal offense. which must be carried out in a qualified, timely manner and within the limits of the criminal procedural form in order to prevent the irreversible loss (destruction) of traces of a criminal offense. Taking into account the peculiarities of the commission of certain types of criminal offenses, the peculiarities of conducting an inspection of the scene of the incident in the process of pre-trial investigation of certain types of murders as criminal offenses against the life of a person are considered

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