Administrative and legal regulation of the protection and use of the land of settlements: the current state

: 182-189

Shapravskyi T.
"Administrative and legal regulation of the protection and use of the land of settlements: the current state"

post-graduate student of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management Head of the Legal Department of the Buchansky City Council of Kyiv Region

The article is devoted to questions of the state of administrative-legal regulation of land
protection within the settlements in Ukraine. The existing system of administrative and legal
regulation of the protection and use of settlements in Ukraine is analyzed. It is proved that the
object of protection of land within the settlements is the land located within the territory of the
administrative-territorial unit – a village, settlement or city. This principle of separation of
municipal lands from the state exists in the legislation. At the same time, there are problems
with delineating the lands of state and communal property.

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