Certain aspects of the philosophical-sociological understanding of crime

: 66-70

Kolych O., Sesiuk Y.
"Certain aspects of the philosophical-sociological understanding of crime"

Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education Lviv Polytechnic National University Candidate of Jurispondence, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory, History and Philosophy of Law
Lawyer, lawyer association “Bowl of Justice”

The article states that a purely positivist understanding of crime is insufficient for its
comprehensive study, and the study of this phenomenon must go beyond the right to the sociophilosophical
level. Crime as a social phenomenon has been analyzed. The correlation between the
development of law and the evolution of criminal behavior is emphasized; the mutual influence of these
processes is substantiated. The role of free will of the person in choosing the model of behavior is
considered. It is stated that the imposition of criminal responsibility for a crime is connected with the
presence of a free will in the person at the time of the act.

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