Peculiarities of establishment and development of the Supreme council of justice in Ukraine

: 278-287

Dobosh Z.
"Peculiarities of establishment and development of the Supreme council of justice in Ukraine"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article provides a theoretical generalization and offers a new solution to the scientific problem, which is to determine the stages of formation and development of the High Council of Justice and to characterize their main features. The legal status of the High Council of Justice is a rather complex complex category that covers the normatively defined scope of competence of this subject, purpose, tasks and functions of its activity, as well as outlines the features of interaction of this body with other subjects of law and determines the place of the High Council of Justice. in the system of public authorities. We substantiated that the legal status of the High Council of Justice provides for two defining features: 1) it is a body of state power with a special status, which functions on a permanent basis in the justice system of Ukraine; 2) it is a body of judicial governance. Accordingly, the scientific position on the expediency of referring the High Council of Justice only to the bodies of judicial self-government is criticized.

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