Principles of international criminal law

: 197-203

H. Lukianova, I. Serkevych Principles of international criminal law

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

The article explores the basic principles of international criminal law and their classification. It is noted that international criminal law is a complex industry, so in addition to the general principles specific to domestic criminal, criminal procedure and criminal enforcement law, it covers the principles of international criminal process and the enforcement of criminal penalties. This is explained by the general focus of international criminal law and domestic law enforcement law. States' co-operation in the field of crime is part of their common work to solve social problems, and in international criminal law the basic principles of common international law apply. The following principles of international law, which are of criminal legal value, include: the principle of universal respect for human rights and freedoms; the principle of equality; the principles of peaceful coexistence and sovereign equality of States and the related principle of non-use or threat of force in international relations; the principle of inviolability of state borders and territorial integrity of states; the principle of cooperation between states, etc. These principles apply, inter alia, to the cooperation of States in the fight against crime. Some of them operate in the same way as in other areas of general international law, while others have a wider and specific application. At the same time, there is a whole set of special principles inherent only in international criminal law. The classification of the principles of international criminal law is based on a systematic approach, since the principles are the most general rules applicable in the field of legal regulation and apply to all subjects. It is concluded that, despite the imperfection of certain provisions of international criminal law, it is a certain system of principles and norms that are implemented both at the international and national levels.

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