Legal incentives: theoretical and legal principles

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Baran A. "Legal incentives: theoretical and legal principles"

Іnstitute law, psychology and innovative education Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Theory, history and philosophy of law Assistant Professor

According to generally accepted theoretical ideas about legal incentives and its importance in the right selection are the main features of the implementation of legal incentives. It is emphasized that the purpose and objective need for the use of legal incentives is that the society and the state have a need for socially beneficial and active behavior of the subjects of law in different spheres of life. In addition to the goal, the defining categories in the theory of legal incentives that determine the nature and content of the incentive effect of law on public relations are functions. Selection and analysis of general social functions of legal incentives (motivational, organizational, prognostic, guaranteeing, communicative, evaluative, social control, educational) and special-legal functions of legal incentives (legal, right-wing).

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