Методика розроблення структурно-автоматних моделей відмовостійких систем з альтернативними продовженнями випадкових процесів після процедур контролю, перемикання і відновлення

: pp. 49-62
Accepted: March 28, 2017
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Politechnic National University, Software Department

The development of states-transitions model is an important stage in the technology of
the development of the discrete-continuous stochastic models of fault-tolerant systems. There
is a known method of developing the states-transitions model, which is based on an algorithm
of constructing the state-transitions models out of so-called “structural-automaton model”.
This method is implemented in a software tool prototype called “ASNA”. If structuralautomaton
model is errorless, resulting states-transitions model will be errorless as well.
Therefore, there is an actual problem of developing an errorless structural-automaton model.
This paper presents the method of developing the structural-automaton models of faulttolerant
systems, which considers alternate outcomes of stochastic processes after completion
of switching, recovering and controlling procedures. Presented method allows to develop
errorless models as well as to automate laborious procedures.

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