The heat-and-mass transfer during filtration drying of feedstock for slag gravel production. Research of change of temperature of thermal agent is on height of layer of material

Atamanyuk V. The heat-and-mass transfer during filtration drying of feedstock for slag gravel production. Research of change of temperature of thermal agent is on height of layer of material / V. Atamanyuk, I. Barna, D. Symak // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". – 2014. – № 781 : Теорія і практика будівництва. – С. 3–8. – Bibliography: 13 titles.


Atamanyuk V., Barna I., Symak D.

In the article the results of experimental and theoretical researches are presented heat- and mass-transfer during the filtration drying of feedstock for slag gravel production. Time-history of temperature of thermal agent is experimentally investigational on the height of layer of dry and moist raw material materials and dependence of speed of moving of mass-transfer zone is certain on a temperature.

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